Research topics
- Accessibility and Inclusive Education
- Affective Computing
- Artificial Intelligence in Education
- Augmented, Mixed and Virtual Reality applied to Education
- Collaborative Systems
- Computer Science Education
- Programming
- Software Engineering
- Software Project Management
- Software Testing
- Educational Applications in different knowledge fields
- Computer Science
- Math
- Engineering
- Science
- Educational Content Modeling and Generation
- Educational Data Mining
- Educational Robotics
- Intelligent Tutoring Systems
- Internet of Things applied to Education
- Mobile and Ubiquitous Learning
- m-learning
- u-learning
- t-learning
- Open Education
- Open Educational Resources (OERs)
- Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)
- Pedagogical Patterns and Pattern Languages
- Serious games and Gamification
- Social and Semantic Web in Education
- Software Engineering and Human-Computer Interaction applied to software and educational environments development